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18 Resources for Creating Content During Coronavirus

These resources can help you confidently produce solution-oriented content in these difficult times.

a person holding a compass in the wilderness

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world, but some things — like the demand for high-quality content — never change.

However, creating content in today’s environment is anything but easy. Amid the coronavirus-induced health and economic crisis, it can be particularly difficult to:

  • Source reliable, authoritative data
  • Use new insights to stitch together a compelling narrative
  • Creatively express relevant ideas on behalf of brands

As content marketers, we’ve faced these obstacles for the past month. Along the way, we’ve uncovered a lot of resources that have helped us overcome them. And with at least another month of these challenging times ahead of us, we’re sharing the most trustworthy, insightful and inspiring resources that we’ve been using to create content during the pandemic.

Reliable and Authoritative COVID-19 Resources

As we all try to navigate the current health crisis, reliable and accurate information is key. This is exactly what these reputable sources can provide:

  • The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s main coronavirus page offers advice on protecting finances and a list of links to other official agencies’ coronavirus pages.
  • The U.S. government’s coronavirus website answers FAQs with more specific information based on audience, such as households, pregnant women, health care workers and more.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site is a good starting point for researching COVID-19 symptoms and how to prevent transmission. The site offers guidance for travel, school, community events and more.
  • The Federal Trade Commission has a dedicated page for coronavirus scams, a reality consumers should be aware of. The page describes specific ploys and how to protect yourself, as well as the FTC’s response. The FTC also has a post on coronavirus scams targeting businesses.
  • The IRS’ coronavirus page includes information on economic impact payments, important tax information updates, tax help and more.
  • The SBA’s disaster assistance page is a valuable resource for small businesses. The SBA is offering multiple loan options to help businesses stay afloat while keeping their employees on payroll. This page outlines specific loan resources.
  • For an in-depth analysis of efforts to combat the virus, Johns Hopkins University can provide the expert medical information your audience is looking for.
  • You’re never too young to fight misinformation. This site created by a 17-year-old computer whiz provides the latest news and stats on the pandemic and has a growing audience of more than 12 million people.

Insightful Industry Reports

In content marketing, an audience-first focus is crucial. What do they want from brands? What are their financial needs? These recent reports can help you get a sense of the big picture:

  • Edelman’s recent study, Trust Barometer Special Report: Brand Trust and the Coronavirus Pandemic, looked into consumer sentiment across 12 markets in various countries. Based on insights from the report, brands should “find solutions instead of selling passion or image.”
  • IBISWorld has created an information hub dedicated specifically to providing up-to-date resources and information on industries impacted by the coronavirus. The page includes webinars and an Industry Exposure Tool to help companies inform their trade strategy.
  • The National Federation of Independent Business took a look at the impact COVID-19 has had on the small-business sector. While it’s no secret mom and pop shops are being hit hardest by the stay-at-home order, this report provides deeper insights into owners’ needs.
  • To learn more about the impact COVID-19 is having on the global economy, we recommend recent research from J.P. Morgan. The research examines “what lies ahead for the markets as we head into a global recession, the series of policy responses around the globe and which sectors will be hit the hardest.”
  • Although not a study, this article from The Drum may provide some inspiration. A showcase of creativity and education, this piece details how major brands and media companies are supporting social distancing efforts and implementing policies to improve health safety.

Free Video and Design Tools for DIY Content Creation

One of the best aspects of content creation is that it’s not limited by your location. With the right tools, you can create amazing content from the comfort of your home office. Take a look at these design tools to get you started:

  • For a quick downloadable stock image to use for social media and other content, Unsplash has a large library with thousands of images to choose from. Simply search for what you need, and then you can download the image in multiple sizes.
  • OpenShot is free video editing software that allows you to trim down, add animation, use filters and do much more.
  • Blender is a “free and open source 3D creation suite” that can help your content stand out and pull your audience in.
  • With the goal to “make information beautiful,” Visme lets you create captivating data visualizations.
  • Need to produce eye-catching graphics? Canva offers a variety of templates, images, fonts and icons. The site offers a free plan for individuals and two paid plans at an affordable rate.

A True Call to Action: Support the Effort to Combat Coronavirus

Every business is different, but in times like this everyone should do their part. From policies implemented within your own organization to ways you can reach out and help others, it’s important to take a stance. Now is not the time to remain silent. For help determining how your brand can have an impact, we recommend you check out Charity Navigator’s list of nonprofits.

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